The Plasma Pen, also known as Plasma Lift Skin Tightening or Fibroblast Tightening, is a non-surgical device and technique that is used to tighten and smooth skin naturally. This device is used to perform Fibroblast Therapy, which is a technique used to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. This promotes natural healing and rejuvenates the appearance of the skin.
Who Is A Good
Candidate For Plasma Pen Skin Tightening?
The best candidates for the Plasma Pen are patients who are looking to improve the appearance, volume, and elasticity of the skin. However, you may not be a good candidate for plasma skin tightening. The procedure is not recommended for patients who:
Are experiencing a Herpes Simplex Virus outbreak
Have a pace-maker installed
Are pregnant or breast-feeding
Have had Botox recently
Are diabetic
Have used Accutane within the last year
Be sure to ask your doctor or aesthetician whether or not Plasma Pen skin tightening is the right procedure for you.
What Can The Plasma Pen Treat?
Plasma lift skin tightening can be used to treat skin on almost all areas of the body. However, it is particularly effective in treating previously hard to treat areas such as the upper and lower eyelids, and the fine lines around the mouth. It is commonly used to treat wrinkles and loose skin on the face, neck, and jaw line. The Plasma Pen can also be used for loose skin on the arms or the abdomen. This is also a great treatment option for reducing the appearance of acne scars, as well as other types of scarring.
How Does Plasma Skin Tightening Work?
The tip of the pen creates a plasma energy arc which is then transferred from the tip of the needle to the surface of the skin. The tissues of the skin are sublimated, or modified, during treatment. The treatment is extremely precise, meaning that the tissues surrounding the area of treatment remain untouched and intact. This results in the tightening of the skin in the desired area. As a result of this, excess skin is reduced and the remaining skin is toned, tightened, and the wrinkles are reduced.
This method of skin resurfacing creates a controlled skin damage, which activates the normal skin-healing process. This process leads to skin remodeling, which then improves various signs of aging.
Unlike other methods of skin ablation, there are no open wounds during the healing phase. Therefore, there is minimal risk of scarring, infection or loss of pigmentation.
Plasma Skin Resurfacing Results
In most cases, initial results are visible immediately after treatment. In the first stages of healing, small dry spots called echars form on the skin and remain there for about a week before falling off. This is normal and temporary. Because the treatment stimulates the natural body healing process, it typically takes eight weeks to see the full benefits of the treatment.
How Long Do Plasma Pen Results Last?
The results of the plasma pen are permanent, because you have stimulated your body’s natural healing process. The treatment can be repeated as necessary to obtain the desired results. In most cases, one to four treatments will produce the most optimal results. After treatment, one will continue to age, but the results of plasma skin resurfacing are long-lasting.
Risks Of Plasma Skin Resurfacing
The Plasma Pen is regarded as a relatively safe treatment. However, no procedure is without its risks. Risks of plasma skin tightening include:
Skin discoloration

Complications are more likely to arise if proper care is not taken during the healing process. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the best steps to take for the best healing.
If you are displaying signs of cold or flu the treatment should be rescheduled.
Contact lenses must be removed when performing treatment on the upper eyelids.
Skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to procedure.
If you have a sunburn/suntan treatment should be postponed for up to 8 weeks or until tan/burn signs disappear.
Discontinue use of any AHA and/or Retinol skincare products for 4 weeks prior to treatment.
Eyelash extensions receiving upper or lower eyelid treatment MUST have lashes removed prior to treatment and reapplied after 8 weeks.
Discontinue use of any cleaners, creams, and serums containing acids such as salicylic, glycolic, and lactic 4 weeks prior to having any facial Plasma Skin Tightening procedures performed.
Keep the area clean to avoid infections until the scabs have formed and exfoliated on their own. Follow the aftercare instructions exactly as written to ensure the best possible healed outcome.
Ice the treated area (use a clean tea towel to cover the ice pack) alternating 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off, for up to one hour for the first 2 days.
Keep the treated area clean using a mild unscented glycerin or Dove unscented soap twice a day (morning and night) Gently splash the area with cool water and very gently clean with soap and rinse very thoroughly. Use very mild gentle pressure to clean skin.
Gently apply your aftercare product (using only clean hands) to the treated area as needed to relieve pain/itching each day until your scabs fall off on their own.
IMPORTANT!!! Allow the scabs to come off on their own. This will ensure the best possible healed result and avoid scarring and infection.
Be patient with the process and allow yourself time to rest and heal.
Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds – Once the scabbing/peeling process is complete, always apply a broad spectrum sunblock to the treated area for a minimum of 3 months after your last treatment. The skin is still healing and can easily become damaged by the UV rays causing hyperpigmentation.
Do not pick the scabs. Let them fall off by themselves or you risk scarring
Do not apply any make-up (even mineral) for the first 4 days or until the scabbing or peeling is complete (about 7-10 days).
Do not apply any plasters (liquid bandaid) on the treated areas as doing so can delay the natural healing process.
Do not work out, swim, get in a hot tub or steam bath (avoid sweating and soaking scabs).
Swelling is to be expected after this type of treatment. This is due to the fact that the area will be recovering from a deliberate controlled wound, therefore the natural side effect is swelling. There are steps you can take to minimize the swelling but it cannot be avoided. You can’t avoid or cure the swelling – it is a response to the trauma. The swelling will subside in a matter of days.
Day 1: Try to lay propped up with pillows. Do not lay completely horizontal. Weeping from the treated area is normal as well as some pain and discomfort. The swelling will likely be worse in the mornings and lessen towards the evening. You may find it difficult to open your eyes in the morning following the treatment however, it will subside throughout the day. It will feel like a bad sunburn.
Day 2: The swelling typically peaks by day 2. Do not be surprised if the swelling is worse on the 2nd day. Remember: swelling is worse in the mornings and lessens throughout the day. Swelling can also spread to the under eye area DON’T PANIC this is perfectly normal. The upper and lower eye are all connected therefore the fluids from the upper eye will drain to the lower eye area. This too shall pass. Discomfort and pain are still present and to be expected on the second day.
Day 3: You will notice an improvement in the swelling and the “dots” will start to crust/scab over. The scabs must not be picked, allow them to fall off on their own. Your level of discomfort will have subsided dramatically. Minimal pain expected for the 3rd day. For those who experienced the under eye swelling, this will still be present.
Day 4: Some mild residual swelling may still be present on the upper eyelids. No more pain or discomfort should be felt.
Day 5: Swelling should be complete and scabs may still be present. The under eye swelling should be almost completely resolved by this point if not gone.
When can you resume their regular AHA skin cleansing this would include cleaners, creams and serums containing acids such as salicylic, glycolic, lactic, etc.) routine? It is safe for them to reintroduce these types of products at the 8 week post treatment mark.